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Bible Lessons

In today's world, it is important for
young Christians to learn to say the 
word "NO".


We Christians are taught to be nice and loving to others. But that does not mean that we always have to say yes or agree with everything that happens in life.  There are times when saying no is the best way to be loving to someone.  And not everything that is suggested to you will be a good thing.


In Luke Chapter 4, verses 1 through 13, Jesus said no to everything the Devil suggested.  He knows what is right and the Devil tries to get people to do what is wrong. So naturally, Jesus said no to everything he suggested. In the same way, the Devil can use other people to try to get us to do wrong. Hey, if he would try to tempt Jesus, son of God, why wouldn't he try to tempt the rest of humanity?


At those times, when we are tempted to do wrong, it is important to pray. God will give us strength to obey him and resist evil.  It also helps to read your Bible and know what God says is right and what he says is wrong.  Pretty much all of the world's problems come from people ignoring God's instructions and commands. Just because you have to say no, doesn't mean you need to be mean about it. It is important to demonstrate Christian love when we say no to others.  Sometimes, our loving attitude may even get them to turn from doing wrong and obey God.  In the end, we want everyone to be saved.  


Today, many young people have a harder time knowing what is right because many adults believe in doing things God disapproves of. Also, there are laws and institutions that also push evil ideas on young people. Schools often teach ideas that are sins according to the Bible.  What can you do? Read your Bible and learn what God says is right and wrong and pray for the strength to obey God.  


It will not be easy because so much of society has turned against the teachings of the Bible, God's Holy Word. Some people will tell you that if you do not approve of their sinful lifestyle, you are "hating" them. But you can love a person and still disagree with how they live.  As important as it is to learn to say no to others who suggest you do  sinful things, it is also just as important to say no to yourself.  Again, it is important to pray to God in Jesus' name for strength. Saying no can lead to difficult moments and suffering. But God rewards those who obey him and he will help you endure and get through whatever happens.  The Bible is clear in Romans 8:31 when it says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" What that means is that we do not have to fear those who come against us because of our faith.  


Everyone in The Bible who obeyed God and resisted sin suffered for their faith. But all contributed to building the church and their faithfulness played a role one way or the other in helping people reach heaven and avoid the pain of going to hell.  All of us who obey God and say no to sin, will also be a part of building God's heavenly kingdom.


Many children want to go to church. But we need churches to volunteer to take them



 We are receiving more and more requests from children to take them to church. Sometimes their parents can't take them because of lack of a vehicle at home. Other times, the children are the only ones who go to church in the home. Whatever the reason, they need help getting to church. Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come to me." Will you help these children get to him? Remember, no one can get to heaven unless they have accepted Jesus as Lord and savior. But how can they get to Jesus if they can't even get to a church? Please help. Talk to your pastor and Sunday School about helping us transport children to church.


Call 1-318-623-2466 or send an email to:




 The Bible tells us that all of us are to honor our parents. Exodus 20:12 says, "Honor your father and mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the LORD your God is giving you​." But also respect all adults.





Hey kids win a prize!

 Memorize any verse on this page and repeat it to a team leader at a 22:6 bastketball camp session, and you'll win an extra snack or prize! You must know the chapter verse and all the words.



Today this is a very important quetion as gay marriage is a subject in the news. Many people believe people should marry whoever they want regardless. But what does the Bible say about  it? What is God's veiw point and what does he want Christians to do?  In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we're reminded that as Christians, our bodies are not our own. They were bought for a price by  Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. You see, when you become a Christian you give your body to Jesus and he gets to decide how you use it. That means that we as Christians must submit to God and Christ's view point instead of going with what is popular. In Leviticus 18:22 God said to men, "You are not to sleep with a man as with a woman; it is detesable." In the New Testament, Romans, chapter 1, we are told that homosexuality is a sin and in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, we are also told that those who practice same sex relationships

or gay lifestyles and who do not repent can't get into heaven. That's why we warn gay people to turn from the sin of homosexuality. This is misunderstood by some and they criticize believers. The Bible tells us to remain strong and obey God despite what the world says. In Acts 5:29 we're told that when the world and God disagree, a Christian must obey God. It is a loving thing to tell a gay person that homosexuality is a sin and that like all sin they must repent and turn from it and stop doing it, in order to be saved and go to heaven. That is not bigotry. It's an act of love. We love all people gay and straight and we should pray for God to use us to witness his truth to them. Ask God to help you witness to those who are gay and to do so in love.




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