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Bible Lessons

"What I learned in 22:6"


By a 12 year old participant in 22:6

"I learned how God helps me focus on the right things.  In school he helped me pass a test. Even though I didn't think I could pass the test, I prayed to him and I did pass."

​In the Bible, Jesus healed many people. Often when he did, he told them it was their faith that made them well.  In Matthew, Chapter 9, a woman who was very sick and who was not being helped much by doctors, touched Jesus' clothing in the hope that it would heal her. Jesus realized she had touched him and when she told him why, he told her that her "faith had made her whole (meaning her faith made her well)".  

In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus also said that when we pray to him and believe, we can literally move mountains. So when you have a problem or goal that seems impossible, pray to God in Jesus' name, and believe.

Many children want to go to church. But we need churches to volunteer to take them


 We are receiving more and more requests from children to take them to church. Sometimes their parents can't take them because of lack of a vehicle at home. Other times, the children are the only ones who go to church in the home. Whatever the reason, they need help getting to church. Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come to me." Will you help these children get to him? Remember, no one can get to heaven unless they have accepted Jesus as Lord and savior. But how can they get to Jesus if they can't even get to a church? Please help. Talk to your pastor and Sunday School about helping us transport children to church.

Call 1-318-951-2629 or send an email to:




 The Bible tells us that all of us are to honor our parents. Exodus 20:12 says, "Honor your father and mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the LORD your God is giving you​." But also respect all adults.




Hey kids win a prize!

 Memorize any verse on this page and repeat it to a team leader at a 22:6 bastketball camp session, and you'll win an extra snack or prize! You must know the chapter verse and all the words.



Today this is a very important quetion as gay marriage is a subject in the news. Many people believe people should marry whoever they want regardless. But what does the Bible say about  it? What is God's veiw point and what does he want Christians to do?  In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we're reminded that as Christians, our bodies are not our own. They were bought for a price by  Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. You see, when you become a Christian you give your body to Jesus and he gets to decide how you use it. That means that we as Christians must submit to God and Christ's view point instead of going with what is popular. In Leviticus 18:22 God said to men, "You are not to sleep with a man as with a woman; it is detesable." In the New Testament, Romans, chapter 1, we are told that homosexuality is a sin and in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, we are also told that those who practice same sex relationships

or gay lifestyles and who do not repent can't get into heaven. That's why we warn gay people to turn from the sin of homosexuality. This is misunderstood by some and they criticize believers. The Bible tells us to remain strong and obey God despite what the world says. In Acts 5:29 we're told that when the world and God disagree, a Christian must obey God. It is a loving thing to tell a gay person that homosexuality is a sin and that like all sin they must repent and turn from it and stop doing it, in order to be saved and go to heaven. That is not bigotry. It's an act of love. We love all people gay and straight and we should pray for God to use us to witness his truth to them. Ask God to help you witness to those who are gay and to do so in love.


(To continue reading the rest of this cartoon, simply click on above image. Tell the story of this cartoon to your team leader and win a prize!)

Board Members:

Edwin Crayton, President

Andy Byon, 


Mary Lou Johnson,


22:6 is a 501 c3 Charity. Your donations are  tax deductible

It's a tough world for children. Help us help them. Send a donation to 22:6, 218 Second Street, Natchitoches, LA 71457.  Please make check payable to "22:6 Children's Ministries". Your donation is tax-deductible. Take a child to church, and tell us about the experience. God bless you!

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