Parent's Page
Your children's spiritual education is as important as their academic education
If your child fails to be educated, in school, he or she can just start over and retake the grade. But if they fail to learn how to; be saved, it could cost them their souls. Educating a child about Jesus is the single most important thing a Christian parent can do. Yet, it's not given the attention that academic education receives.
The Bible tells us to "train up a child in the way he should go. (Proverbs 22:6). So the intent is that we would not delay, ,but rather teach children immediately. Biblical training is essential to; forming your child's character and if you delay that training it may be too late to make an impression.
Sunday school plays a vital role in your child's spiritual development. But the child also needs to; hear from you personally. Pray to God for guidance, then share your views as a Christian on the issues of the day and those issues that affect your child. Today, children are facing many challenges previous generations of kids never faced. And also, their religious beliefs are often under attack. That implies that they will need a lot of support from mom, dad or whoever is their guardian. If you don't teach your child what they should believe, the world will step in and do the job and it will teach values that oppose your views ;and God's. Many children have early access to mobile phones that can put them in touch with information and lifestyles that endanger them.. Keep an eye on what they access. Even schools promote values that contrast and contradict Christian views. It helps when adults also work on their own spiritual growth by attending Bible studies and regularly attending church.
God blesses families that teach his values to their children.
Action steps:
Talk to your child about the issues they will face.
Read the Bible with them.
Pray for them, asking God to guide you in guiding them.
Take them to; church and especially to Sunday School.