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Parent's Page

Pay close attention to what schools, movies pop artists and others teach your child

 On the way home, the car radio blasted the news that some schools are wrongly teaching elementary students that it's alright to change their sexuality. In other words, a boy can become a girl if he thinks he is one or just wants to be one.  This is a sin. It's not alright with God, even if people say it is. But what should concern parents even more is that children are being taught this in some schools, even if their parents are Christians who believe the Bible when it says, that homosexuality is a sin (Leviticus 18:22 and Romans chapter 1).  

Music, movies and society are teaching children and young people to disobey or disregard the Bible.  What this really means is they are teaching young people to rebel against God's laws on sexuality and morality.  Some Christian parents are pushing back, making the point that it's their job to teach morality to their children. It's not the job of the school systems.  This is causing some parents to take their children out of schools and either place them in private schools, religious schools or train kids at home---homeschooling. 

All of us are called by God to teach children early the ways of God. After all, if those who oppose God's laws are reaching out to elementary school kids, then we need to certainly reach children early as possible too.  In fact,  the Holy Bible says we need to reach them very young. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Whet children learn early in life, can affect their whole lives and in many cases, can even determine where they will spend eternity. 

What can you do? Here are just a few suggestions:

Pray. Take it to God and ask him to show you how to guide your child in his ways of living.

Take your child to a Bible-believing church. 

Read the Bible to your child and with your older children. If your church has a family Bible study, try it.

Look at what your child watches and listens to: Look over their movie list and music list. Parents should be able to veto anything that they feel harms their child's mental and spiritual growth.  Explain why something is good or bad. Use the Bible as a yardstick. 

Allow Christian relatives and friends to have some influence. Of course keep an eye on these interactions too. But sometimes people other than the parent can positively influence a child. 

Remind your child that not everything that is popular is good or approved by God. Encourage them to resist going along with sinful ideas just because they are popular.  God should be the standard for a Christian youth, not the world.

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Board Members:

Edwin Crayton, President

Andy Byon, 


Mary Lou Johnson,


22:6 is a 501 c3 Charity. Your donations are  tax deductible

It's a tough world for children. Help us help them. Send a donation to 22:6, 218 Second Street, Natchitoches, LA 71457.  Please make check payable to "22:6 Children's Ministries". Your donation is tax-deductible. Take a child to church, and tell us about the experience. God bless you!

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