What does 22:6 mean?
That's the question that comes up most. Our name comes from Proverbs 22:6 which says: "Train up a child in the way he should go;and when he is old he will not depart from it. The goal is simply to do just that. We train children in godly values. Sometimes we take them to church. Other times we take the church to them, meaning we do Bible study in their homes with their parent's permission and with them present. We also do street outreach,, offering short Bible lessons. After every lesson or activity, the children are rewarded with either a snack or a toy. Some summers, we have a short 1-day or 2-day basketball/Bible study camp to help other kids learn about God. Of course we realize there are no guarantees that children will be saved just because they participate in a 22:6 activity. Only faith in Jesus can save them. But by training them in godly values early on, we believe that they will have foundation that will see them through any challenge or help them reach any goal. And best of all, they may accept Jesus as savior and Lord and be saved. That is the hope The Bible and particularly of Proverbs 22:6. To sign up a child or for info call 318-951-2629.
Our Mission: To bring children to Christ and to bring Christ to children